92 Relative clauses (2)-clauses with or without who/that/which

Look again at these example sentences from Previous unit:
* The woman [who] lives next door is a doctor. (or The woman that lives...)
[The woman] lives next door. who(= the woman) is the subject
* Where is the cheese [that] was in the fridge? (or ... the cheese which was...)
[The cheese] was in the fridge. that(= the cheese) is the subject
You must use who/that/which when it is the subject of the relative clause. You cannot say 'The woman lives next door is a doctor' or 'Where is the cheese was in the fridge?'

Sometimes who/that/which is the object of the verb. For example:
* The woman [who] I wanted to see was away on holiday.
I wanted to see [the woman]. who(= the woman) is the object. I is the subject
* Have you found the keys [that] you lost?
You lost [the keys]. that(= the keys) is the object. you is the subject

When who/that/which is the object, you can leave it out. So you can say:
* The woman I wanted to see was away. or The woman who I wanted to see...
* Have you found the keys you lost? or ... the keys that you lost?
* The dress Ann bought doesn't fit her very well. or The dress that Ann bought...
* Is there anything I can do? or ... anything that I can do?

Note that we say:
the keys you lost (not 'the keys you lost them')
the dress Ann bought (not 'bought it')

Notice the position of prepositions (in/at/with etc.) in relative clauses:
do you know the woman?--Tom is talking [to] her
-> Do you know the woman (who/that) Tom is talking [to]?
the bed--I slept [in] it last night - wasn't very comfortable
-> The bed (that/which) I slept in last night wasn't very comfortable.
* Are these the keys (that/which) you were looking for?
* The woman (who/that) he fell in love with left him after a few weeks.
* The man (who/that) I was sitting next to on the plane talked all the time.
In all these examples, you can leave out who/that/which.

Note that we say:
the books you were looking for (not 'the books you were looking for them')

You cannot use what in sentences like these:
* Everything (that) they said was true. (not 'Everything what they said ...')
* I gave her all the money (that) I had. (not '... all the money what I had')
What = the thing(s) that:
* Did you hear what they said? (= the things that they said)

92.1 In some of these sentences you don't need who or that. If you don't need these words, put them in brackets like this: (who) (that).
1. The woman who lives next door is a doctor. ('who' is necessary in this sentence)
2. Have you found the keys (that) you lost. (in this sentence you don't need 'that')
3. The people who we met at the party were very friendly.
4. The people who work in the office are very friendly.
5. The people who I talked to were very friendly.
6. What have you done with the money that I gave you?
7. What happened to the money that was on the table? Did you take it?
8. It was an awful film. It was the worst film that I've ever seen.
9. It was an awful experience. It was the worst thing that has ever happened to me.

92.2 Complete these sentences with a relative clause. Use the sentences in the box to make your relative clauses.
we hired a car
you're going to see a film
I invited some people to the par
Ann is wearing a dress
you had to do some work
Tom recommended a hotel to us
you lost Same keys
we wanted to visit a museum
1. Have you found the keys _you lost ?_
2. 1 like the dress --- was shut when we got there.
3. The museum ---?
4. What's the name of the film --- couldn't come.
5. Some of the people ---?
6. Have you finished the work ---?
7. The car --- broke down after a few miles.
8. We stayed at a hotel ---.

92.3 Complete these sentences using a relative clause with a preposition.
we went to a party last night
you can rely on George
we were invited to a wedding
I work with a number of people
I applied for a job
you told me about a hotel
you were looking for some keys
I saw you with a man
1. Are these the keys _you were looking for?_
2. Unfortunately we couldn't go to the wedding ---.
3. I enjoy my job. I like the people ---.
4. What's the name of that hotel ---?
5. The party --- wasn't very enjoyable.
6. I didn't get the job ---.
7. George is a good person to know. He's somebody ---.
8. Who was that man --- in the restaurant?

92.4 Put in that or what. If the sentence is complete with or without that, write (that)--in brackets.
1. I gave her all the money _that_ I had.
2. They give their children everything --- they want.
3. Tell me --- you want and I'll try to get it for you.
4. Why do you blame me for everything --- goes wrong?
5. I won't be able to do much but I'll do the best --- I can.
6. I can only lend you ten pounds. It's all --- I've got.
7. I don't agree with --- you've just said.
8. I don't trust him. I don't believe anything --- he says.


3 (who) 4 who

5 (who) 6 (that)

7 that 8 (that)

9 that


2 (that/which) Ann is wearing

3 (that/which) we wanted to visit

4 (that/which) you're going to see

5 (who/that) I invited to the party

6 (that/which) you had to do

7 (that/which) we hired

8 (that/which) Tom recommended to us


2 (that/which) we were invited to

3 (who/that) I work with

4 (that/which) you told me about

5 (that/which) we went to last night

6 (that/which) I applied for

7 (who/that) you can rely on

8 (who/that) I saw you with


2 (that) 3 what

4 that 5 (that)

6 (that) 7 what

8 (that)