115 As (reason and time)

As (reason)
As sometimes means 'because':
* As it was a public holiday, all the shops were shut. (= because it was a public holiday)
* As they live near us, we see them quite often.
* We watched television all evening as we had nothing better to do. d We also use as to say that two things happened at the same time. See below section.

As (time)
You can use as when two things happen at the same time:
* I watched her as she opened the letter. ('I watched' and 'she opened' at the same time)
* As they walked along the street, they looked in the shop windows.
* Can you turn off the light as you go out, please? (= on your way out of the room)

Or you can say that something happened as you were doing something else (= in the middle of doing something else):
* Jill slipped as she was getting off the bus.
* The thief was seen as he was climbing over the wall.

Most often we use as when two short actions happen at the same time:
* George arrived as Sue left. (= he arrived and Sue left at the same time)
* We all waved goodbye to Liz as she drove away in her car.

But we also use as when two things happen together over a longer period of time:
* As the day went on, the weather got worse.
* I began to enjoy the job more as I got used to it.

You can also use just as (= exactly at that moment):
* Just as I sat down, the phone rang.
* Just as we were going out, it started to rain.
* I had to leave just as the conversation was getting interesting.

As, when and while
We use as only if two things happen at the same time. We use when (not 'as') if one thing happens after another. Compare when and as:
* When I got home, I had a bath. (not 'as I got home')
* As I walked into the room, the phone started ringing. (= at the same time)

We use as (time) for actions and happenings. As + a situation (not an action) usually means 'because' (see above section 1):
* As we were asleep, we didn't hear the doorbell. (=because we were asleep)
* As they live near me, I see them quite often. (=because they live near me)

You cannot use as for time in sentences like this. You have to use while or when:
* The doorbell rang while we were asleep. (not 'as we were asleep')
* Angela got married when she was 23. (not 'as she was 23')

115.1 What does as mean in these sentences? (because), (at the same time as)
1. As they live near us, we see them quite often. (because)
2. Jill slipped as she was getting off the bus. (at the same time as)
3. As I was tired, I went to bed early.
4. Unfortunately, as I was parking the car, I hit the car behind.
5, As we climbed the hill, we got more and more tired.
6. We decided to go out to cat as we had no food at home.
7. As we don't use the car very often, we've decided to sell it.

115.2 (Section A) join a sentence from List A with one from List B. Begin each sentence with As.

1. yesterday was a public holiday
2. it was a nice day
3. we didn't want to wake anybody up
4. the door was open
5. none of us had a watch

1. I walked in
2. we came in very quietly
3. all the shops were shut
4. we didn't know what time it was
5. we went for a walk by the sea

1. _As yesterday was a public holiday, all the shops were shut._
2. ---.
3. ---.
4. ---.
5. ---.

115.3 (Section B) Use as to join a sentence from List A with one from List B.


1. we all waved goodbye to Liz
2. we all smiled
3. I burnt myself
4. the crowd cheered
5. a dog ran out in front of the car


1. we were driving along the road
2. I was taking a hot dish out of the oven
3. she drove away in her ear
4. we posed for the photograph
5. the two teams ran onto the field
1. _We all waved goodbye to Liz as she drove a in her car._
3. ---.
4. ---.
5. ---.

115.4 Put in as or when. Sometimes you can use either as or when.
1. Angela got married _when_ she was 23.
2. My camera was stolen --- I was on holiday.
3. He dropped the glass --- he was taking it out of the cupboard.
4. --- I left school, I went to work in a shop.
5. The train slowed down --- it approached the station.
6. I used to live near the sea --- I was a child.

115.5 Use your own ideas to complete these sentences.
1. I saw you as ---.
2. It began to rain just as ---.
3. As I didn't have enough money for a taxi, ---.
4. Just as I took the photograph, ---.


3 because

4 at the same time as

5 at the same time as

6 because

7 because


2 As it was a nice day, we went for a walk by the sea.

3 As we didn't want to wake anybody up, we came in very quietly.

4 As the door was open, I walked in.

5 As none of us had a watch, we didn't know what time it was.


2 We all smiled as we posed for the photograph.

3 I burnt myself as I was taking a hot dish out of the oven

4 The crowd cheered as the two teams ran onto the field.

5 A dog ran out in front of the car as we were driving along the road.


2 when 3 as 4 When

5 as time 6 when


Example answers:

1 you were getting into your car.

2 we started playing tennis.

3 I had to walk home.

4 somebody walked in front of the camera.